How to buy?
How to buy on LEMONA electronics e-shop?

1. Enter the e-store

2. Choose products

3. Confirm cart

4. Enter delivery adress

5. Pay for the order
Detailed instructions for the user
1. Visit the online store
Visit LEMONA electronics online store that offers more than 2 000 000 items.
2. Select items
You can add items to cart when searching for them in the catalogues of online store or using the product search box.
Add the item you like by clicking the ‘add to cart‘ button. Continue your search if you want to buy more items. You will see in the shopping cart, which is on the right side, all items that have been added to the cart. You will also see the total amount of the items that are in the cart. When you will decide to buy them, click the ‘view cart‘ button.
You can change in the shopping cart its content and the number of the items being ordered. To change the quantity, enter the desired number in the ‘Quantity‘ field.
After checking your shopping cart, click the ‘Buy‘ button.
3. Confirm the cart
Once you will form your shopping cart and will click the 'View cart' button, you will be directed to the home page of the shopping cart of the online store. If required, make the necessary changes and click the ‘Buy‘ button.
4. Choose a delivery method
After confirming the shopping cart, you will be directed to the delivery method selection page. LEMONA electronics online store offers two methods of item delivery:
- Item delivery via the courier service. After selecting delivery via the courier service, you will have to indicate the delivery address. When you will buy next time, you will not need to enter the address once again.
5. Pay for the order
This is the last stage of the order. You can pay for the items the online store in the following ways:
- Payment via electronic banking (via the Paysera system). In this case, pre-payment is made using the electronic banking system used by the Buyer. Where the payment for the items is made in this way, payment by the order that is being paid by the Buyer is created in the electronic banking system. The Seller provides this service in cooperation with the partner UAB EVP International (company code 300060819), that operates the system In this case, the Buyer transfers the money to the bank account of UAB EVP International.
- Payment by bank transfer. After placing an order, the Buyer receives in his e-mail inbox a pre-payment invoice, which he has to pay after logging in to the online system of his bank, or shall go to the nearest bank branch and transfer the money to the Seller's account from there.